This morning at 4:10 AM I was awakened by a snow plow in the parking lot of the hotel I am staying at here in Santa Fe. Let me tell you, Cranky Zita stumbled out of bed to throw open the curtains to try to figure out what the scraping, crackling, banging noise was outside my window. Busy bee workers, getting an early start on a day of moving the snow and ice that settled in on Santa Fe late yesterday with an unusual winter storm, were just under my window making a racket that even ear plugs could not silence.
Great, I thought to myself, now I'll NOT be able to go back to sleep (talk about setting intentions!). And, dear friends, sleep is so important to me these days! So I went back to bed and tried all my tricks for hypnotizing myself to sleep with no luck. And...I could begin to feel that Cranky Zita would lay down the tracks for a not so pretty day.
Remembering that Dr. Wayne Dyer says if you wake up at 4AM it is the because the Universe wants to talk to you, I decided to quit tossing and turning and instead turn on the light and listen to the Universe.
The message that came through is that I have the tools at my disposal to have a great day no matter HTML what. I can decide if the day will be filled with wonder and excitement and positive things ... or something else that does not serve me (or those that come into contact with me) as well.
One of the tools that is exceptional and I want to share it with you today is the "Tap of the Morning".
Check out this video and try it for yourself. I did this about a
half hour ago and it really helped me to clear the negative energy that
I felt upon awakening 3 hours earlier than I had planned.
I would love to hear how it energizes you as well.
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